It's been a while since I last updated this series. I had become upset with the game after one too many crashes causing me to lose all of my stuff I spent many hours gathering in-game.
With the latest Wastelanders update that came out a few months back, I started playing daily again and falling back in love with the game.
Ikoria came and went quickly. Even though it was a shorter set, clocking in at only 71 days, with all of the Covid stuff going on, game stores closed and delay for the paper product, it seems like it just went by without a thought. As we're going into week two (as of the time of this writing) with Core Set 2021, I am hardly seeing any of the signs of Ikoria anymore, mainly all of the mutate decks. Speaking of residual Ikoria, the only thing I ended up really using from it on a daily basis was Skycat Sovereign in my daily Azorius Flyers deck. I played around with some of the other cards, but nothing that I played for my daily grind. I had a really exciting and fun to play Slitherwisp flash deck that got nasty if the engine could get going and also built the awful cycling deck that I refused to play before of absolutely boring gameplay. I had one mutate deck, but it was missing a few rares that I didn't want to craft since I wasn't going to be playing that daily. I generally stick to fast aggro so I can either win quickly, or concede quickly and move on to the next game. The fun decks are saved for playing with friend in direct play. I was pretty excited for this set. I loved the art and style of the showcase cards, though since they were only on the mutate creatures, I didn't end up getting any of the card styles since I didn't play with any of them much. I did get quite a few in my paper collection and they look really slick in the card binder. Ikoria makes the fourth full set I've been tracking via spreadsheet, with the help of MTGAHelper to verify my statistics. My spreadsheet didn't change too much since the Theros set, though I made a few tiny tweaks here and there, added a couple extra columns to track additional data as well as changed and fixed a few things in the large draft and pack opening spreadsheets. All stats started on 4/16/20 and ran through 6/25/20, when Core Set 2021 was released. I was able to get one extra daily grind in for Ikoria on release day, just before the big update. The accuracy has greatly improved as I build in a few check cells to make sure I tallied up certain fields correctly.
Total Gameplay Stats These stats are from all types of gameplay, including daily gold farming in the play queue, ranked draft, events, ranked BO1, and just play testing decks for fun in the play queue.
Daily Gold Farming and Individual Daily Deck Stats My daily routine was to win a minimum of 4 games per day in the play queue, and complete a daily quest if able. I played more on occasion, but usually 30-60 mins a day was enough for me if I already met my daily minimums. These stats are only for games played in the play queue during my daily farming routine. RDW (THB)
Azorius Flyers (various versions)
Ranked Draft I only do ranked draft for the cards, gems and booster packs. I really don't enjoy the format on Arena, and really only have fun drafting with a group of friends. For Arena, I do what I call collection drafting. You can more about that my article for Arena Collection Drafting.
Booster Packs
Wild Cards
In Conclusion I only made a few small tweaks to the spreadsheet this time around and it seems to be working well now. It's much more accurate and finely tuned for every little bit of data that I want to track. I hope everyone enjoyed their journey through the lands of Ikora and meeting all the great beasts and other fun mechanics. Until the next set... |
August 2022